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About APEX

APEX is an American company founded in Houston, Texas in 1995. It is composed of three primary business segments: Software Sales and Support, Oil and Gas Technical Service and Consultant, and Reserve Estimation and Economic Evaluation. The company partners with many western software companies and exclusively represents their product sales and support in China, such as Crystal, NorSar, RokDoc, R3, MetaLink, etc.
The company has strong expertise in the areas of Geology, Geophysics, Petroleum Engineering and Reserve Economic Analyses and equips with Dell PC Cluster, Sun and Dell Workstations, as well as computers and related software. It also cooperates with Schlumberger, IKON, Prism, etc. for its technique development and services. 
The company currently employs 37 engineers. Among them, 5 with PhD’s, 11 with master’s, and 18 with Bachelor’s degrees. Most of them have more than ten years of working experiences. APEX is well known in the Chinese oil industry for its high level of services.
The company has performed more than 40 oil and gas research studies for a variety of clients, such as Sinopec, Cnooc, PetroChina, etc. since the establishment of its service and consultant department in 2003. The company has earned nationwide recognition for reliably predicting the performance of complex oil and gas reservoirs and reserve estimation. It conducts geology studies, petrophysics analyses, reservoir prediction, field development and EOR design, reservoir simulation, reserves evaluations and economic analysis. The company provides a complete range of professional engineering, geoscientific, and economic evaluation services. 
APEX has been consistently working on realizing its “3T” goal - Top Personnel, Top Technology, and Top Services to contribute to the oil and gas industry.




Contact Us


邮编: 100016
电话: 86-10-84561950
传真: 86-10-84560963
电子邮件: support@apexapex.com

Apex Solutions Inc.
10333 Richmond Road, Suite 418.
Houston, Texas 77042
Tel: 832-962-8826
Fax: 832-962-8827.
Email: support@apexapex.com


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职位名称:          客户经理

1.   负责公司相关软件的销售推广工作。
2.   销售渠道的拓展及维护,开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围。
3.   合同的跟进:根据已签订的销售、服务合同,负责跟踪现场执行及付款情况。
4.   客户关系维护:负责做好客户的资料收集工作,将所有相关资料整理归档、保存。
5.   管理和监控销售项目的计划、投标、讲标、商务洽谈和合同的签署。
6.   解决销售过程中出现的各类问题和突发事件等。
7.   负责辖区市场信息的收集及竞争对手的分析。
8.   负责销售区域内销售活动的策划和执行,完成销售任务。
9.   提供给客户快速、准确、专业的服务,寻求并把握各种销售机会。

1.    大专及以上学历,专业不限,5年以上石油行业相关工作经验。
2.    男女不限,形象气质良好。
3.    熟悉石油软件销售业务,有石油软件成功销售经验者优先。
4.    努力勤奋,善于沟通与交流,责任心强,应变能力好,有工作激情和开拓精神。
5.    能承受较大的工作压力,适应较长时间出差。
6.    具有良好的商业和市场意识。
7.    具备丰富的市场推广经验及敏锐的市场洞察力。